BORN Wall & Ceiling Mould Removal can help easily restore a mould free ceiling without much effort. It kills stubborn mould & gems. The fast result can be seen without much effort, simply spray and watch it disappear! Yet it is biodegradable. It works on the Painted wall, wallpaper and ceilings (use silicone and advanced mould removal for textured ceilings).
Directions Spray to make sure the entire treated area is well covered. indicates colour leave on for 3 minutes, change in product is working, wipe off the only clear liquid. Hint: For the ceiling, spray and wipe walking backwards to avoid liquid dripping on you, floor wipe is recommended for ceiling wiping. If the carpet is present, make sure it is well covered.
Active ingredient Hypochlorite, blended surfactants, balance water to 100% Made in New Zealand