Sean Moffat - Common Property

April 18, 2019 at 5:24 PM


Sean is the manager of Common Property.  He was born on a dairy farm in Norfolk and was brought up around conventional farms, where he learned heaps of skills he still uses every day. His interest in mechanics led him to do a degree in Agricultural Machinery and Advanced Welding.


Sean is married to Kimberley (they met while Kim was working in our Kapiti shop!) and together they have started a new business, Moonlight Organics Ltd, importing home compostable film. Sean is experimenting with growing leeks which are notoriously difficult to weed because there is no leaf cover to suppress the weeds.  The compostable film breaks down within months using the micro-organisms in the soil. For more information regarding the compostable film you can visit Moonlight Organics website

Sean says that Kim and him share the same values – they both feel it is really important how you feed your children and that means growing organic food because it is best for the kids and best for the land.

"You can’t do it any other way except organic – I want my kids to grow up healthy and I want to leave the land in a better way than when I first started growing.  There’s so much happening beneath the surface and it’s our responsibility to care for the soil and look after it."

Sean's passion for organic farming means he is always open to teaching others. He continues to grow some amazing produce including broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, leeks, cabbages, silverbeet, kale, cavolo nero, fennel and celery.  


